If you’re not a designer, you may not know what LogoLounge is. Basically, it is a global competition with nearly 40,000 logo entries that are reviewed by an international judging panel who are some of the best of the best in the design community. These include Gaby Brink, Marina Willer, Caleb Everitt, Ryan Rhodes, Jen Hood, Jeroen Van Eerden, Jay Fletcher, George Bokhua, and Sagi Haviv.
This is the first year I have entered the competition and to say I’m excited to have some of my work chosen is an understatement. I have high personal standards for my work and when a client trusts me with their visual branding, I take it seriously. So it is fun to be recognized among my design peers.
On occasion, clients and I have different opinions on the direction the visual branding should take. I always yield to my clients’ wishes, but try to offer expert advice and opinions along the way. Sometimes my clients heed my advice and sometimes they choose a different path, and it is ok either way. When you hire an experienced designer, their opinion and advice is part of why you’re paying them.
After I finish a brand identity project, my hard drive is littered with perfectly good logos that just didn’t make it to the finish line for one reason or another. Sometimes these logos rest in peace, never to be seen or thought of again. Other times, I want the sun to shine on their face just a little more, and try to envision what the brand language might have looked like had they been the “Winning Logo.” Two of the logos featured here fit into that category. These logo concepts were developed but ultimately not chosen, but now live on through LogoLounge!
I consider it a blessing to be compensated for this type of conceptual and art-related work, and at the same time understand the messiness and weirdness that can result from the perceived subjectiveness of creative services. I embrace both sides of it, and continually try to learn from it all.
Newberry Real Estate Logo (rejected concept)
True Vine Brewing Company (rejected concept)
SEO Skyrocket